tiahue tocha is the second iteration in a series of exhibitions by Colectivo Rasquache.

From The Exhibition statement:


Rasquache is an artist residency and collective of artists in San Francisco Coapan, Cholula a community on the slopes of the Iztaccíhuatl and Popocatépetl volcanoes in the state of Puebla in Mexico. Coapan, as everyone calls it, is a place like many in Mexico and in the world marked by migration. Currently more than half of its population lives in the United States; In this inextinguishable fracture, the yearning for the return and reunion is permanently kept alive.

We have not been able to return to Coapan for the last two summers because of the pandemic.  Having our movement restricted by forces larger than we are, being kept away, is a kind of parallel with the ongoing reality of migration for many. In Tiahue Tocha (let’s go home) Colectivo Rasquache continues its project of engaging with transborder reality through material and social invention, this time with particular attention to brickmaking as a homage and timeline of Coapan. As construction methods in Mexico have evolved, brick-making, which, along with farming, was the primary occupation of many from Coapan who have since migrated to the US, gave way to cement block. Cement blocks are not made from local materials unlike red bricks or adobe bricks. For our installation at Visible Records, the red clay of Virginia provides fresh material for old ways of making as we ask:

What new things are built when we are apart?  

What opportunities arise out of absence or restriction? 

What possibilities might make themselves known that otherwise would never have been?

How do we share them?

What happens when nostalgia gives way to futurity?


This iteration was installed at Visible records in Charlottesville, Virginia and includes works by: